Sunday 10 February 2013

Photography is Truth

My photography is an instrument that teaches me how to see without a camera. All photographs are there to remind us of what we forget. It pleases me when I take amateur photographs and those amateur photographs give me a glimpse of my passion towards photography and makes me feel happy all the more.

Before taking a photograph I don't Question myself what to click. For me photography is a moment of lifetime pleasure, when I see something special I show it to my camera.
According to me buying a Nikon Or a Canon doesn't make you a photographer it makes you a Nikon or a canon's owner. My portrait photography are I guess more about me rather than people I photograph. God created this universe my photographs are just few witnesses of God's creation.

Depth of feeling is more important when we take a photograph rather than depth of field. I sometimes feel blessed when I see and capture beautiful things in humble places where others see nothing. Nature's secret is patience so i even got this opportunity to capture the beauty and calmness of nature.


I wish More people felt that photography is adventurous as same as life itself and feel that their individual feelings are worth expressing. Photography can be treated as a powerful medium of communication and expression. The medium of photography gives me the power to go beyond conventional ways of seeing things.

"Photography Has the capacity to provide images of man and his environment that are both works of art and moments in history" Cornell Capa. Its an art of observation as there's should be no rule for photography according to me. Photography has now entered my bloodstream and it has become like a disease, It's a way of touching and way of loving the people and the things I capture. 




                                    For more Pictures visit


  1. The blog title and the third image <3 waah !!

  2. all that i can say iz that these pics that u hv clickd are realy lovely..especially the third-last.. N great blog as well..!! ;)

  3. wow! wow! wow!
    amazing.. all pics are soo damm gud
    u're simply a gr8 photographer.. ♥♥

  4. Nice Clicks......
    All Pics are amazing....
