Wednesday 27 February 2013

Diary of a Broken Heart

Every night when everyone’s asleep, I grab my phone and read all our old messages and conversations...I feel the tears slowly rolling down my eyes and suddenly the tears won’t stop...I start remembering all the times you told me YOU love me and all the moments you took  my breath away.. Some day you make me think we can still be….. Other days I am so hopeless thinking I should just give up… Yes I can’t force you to love me but I can’t force myself to stop loving you...It’s hard for me to pretend that I don’t love you anymore or I don’t care for you..It’s true that I hate to see you happy with somebody else but I’ll surely hate myself more to see you unhappy with me…

I still don’t wish to walk away and forget about what we had.Whenever I see a flashback of our relationship in front of me… we loved to be together, when we used to be together we did things that we love… every time you were near me I felt I was in heaven…I felt high ever time you touched me…I didn't wanted to let you go, I wished I could have loved you more, I wish I could have hold you tight forever, I still wish to die in your arms…

 Your love, your touch is just with me and it will be forever…I have no importance in your life but you still owe a very precious place in my life... you were the best that has happened in my life...and I thank god for the best gift which I received after my family…but I guess the prayers which I sent for you has taken a turn and has come back forever…you and me are no more together but the fragrance of our love will always be there with me…

You are not there with me anymore and this is the most painful thing for me…I still love with the broken pieces of my heart…I always thanked god for the things you did for me…the time you spent listening to my problems and the warm embraces that showed you care for me was the most best feeling for me… the gentle kisses that said “I LOVE YOU” the gestures that said I am a special person in your life…I poured out my love for you…every thought of yours with every single breath I take a voice within me says I need you…

I am not a perfect person, I am sorry that I hurt you; I never meant to do those things to you… you find reason to love me but I loved you, I love you without any reason…but now I am going to smile and make you think I am happy, I am going to laugh so that you don’t make out I cried for you, even if this feeling kill me I am going to smile. I said I love and these three words had life in them and it still has for me! My smile and my laugh hide more pain than you can imagine…

It wasn't a long time that I met you but in that short time you managed to change my life completely. I gave you the best position in my heart I wished to have a loving and a long journey with you because I adored you…I am breaking from inside day by day, I don’t want to fall and say I lost it all because there’s a part of me to hit the wall leaving pieces of me behind and no one knows the pain I feel every time I see you…feeling of love is the most beautiful feeling that can ever happen…there’s no reason why I love and that’s why there will be no reason for me to hate you…explaining why I love is impossible I don’t even know why and to be honest, I really don’t want to…you are not with me but everyday I think of you, everyday remind of what we had and I am afraid nothing could ever stop this feeling. I like to pretend that everything is alright because when everybody else think you are fine, sometimes you forget for a while that you are not…

I am sorry for being the biggest mistake of your life while you were the best thing to ever happen to me. I don’t know why I keep that hope still inside me…this feeling is weird and i really want to get over this!

Friday 22 February 2013

Food Porn

Food photography is a still life specialization of commercial photography, aimed at producing attractive photographs of food for use in advertisements, packaging, menus or cookbooks. But here I am not advertising any food product I am exploring the world of photography in different sections.

Nowadays we can see a change in the trend of food photography. For a long time, food photographs tended to be shot and composed the way people were used to encountering their food: laid out on a table setting and shot from an overhead perspective, i.e., from the point of view of the eater. Stylists accordingly arranged the food to appear good from above, with the items arranged flat on the plate and clearly separated from each other.

Later, romantic lighting, shallower angles and more props came up with extreme cases leading to the term "FOOD PORN". Most recently, the prevailing trend in Western commercial food photography is to present the food as simple, clean and naturally as possible and with little props, often using effects such as selective focus, tilted plates, and extreme close ups. This complements trends in professional cooking to make the food more visually interesting. For instance, the height of dishes tends to increase and their elements are often layered, which lends itself well to narrow-angled shots.

The role of the food stylist is to make the food look attractive in the finished photograph. The main difference between how a home cook or chef may present food and what a stylist does is the time and effort a stylist takes to carefully and artfully arrange the food. Also required is the visual know how, and ability to translate the perception of taste, aroma and appeal that one gets from an actual dish, to a two-dimensional photograph.

Colorful stacks of vegetables drizzled with rich sauces on a clean white plate with glistening table settings- you know the shots. Sometimes the photography is almost the true focus of the book with the recipes taking a secondary role.

                        for more pictures visit:


Sunday 10 February 2013

Photography is Truth

My photography is an instrument that teaches me how to see without a camera. All photographs are there to remind us of what we forget. It pleases me when I take amateur photographs and those amateur photographs give me a glimpse of my passion towards photography and makes me feel happy all the more.

Before taking a photograph I don't Question myself what to click. For me photography is a moment of lifetime pleasure, when I see something special I show it to my camera.
According to me buying a Nikon Or a Canon doesn't make you a photographer it makes you a Nikon or a canon's owner. My portrait photography are I guess more about me rather than people I photograph. God created this universe my photographs are just few witnesses of God's creation.

Depth of feeling is more important when we take a photograph rather than depth of field. I sometimes feel blessed when I see and capture beautiful things in humble places where others see nothing. Nature's secret is patience so i even got this opportunity to capture the beauty and calmness of nature.


I wish More people felt that photography is adventurous as same as life itself and feel that their individual feelings are worth expressing. Photography can be treated as a powerful medium of communication and expression. The medium of photography gives me the power to go beyond conventional ways of seeing things.

"Photography Has the capacity to provide images of man and his environment that are both works of art and moments in history" Cornell Capa. Its an art of observation as there's should be no rule for photography according to me. Photography has now entered my bloodstream and it has become like a disease, It's a way of touching and way of loving the people and the things I capture. 




                                    For more Pictures visit